"That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn it."
https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/108-22/as-covid-cases-plummet-vaccination-rates-reach-new-heights-mayor-adams-next-phase-of - 3/4/22 Mayor Adams "next phase," alert levels, etc.
http://nyc.gov/covidvaccine - information on vaccination sites, eligibility, etc.
https://nycvaccinelist.com/ - volunteer compilation of vaccine availability updated hourly (closed November 2021)
https://schoolcovidreportcard.health.ny.gov/ - NYS School Tracker (includes every school and college in New York State)
NYC/NYS Government Factsheets, Executive Orders, Press Releases
- https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/coronavirus.page - NYC Factsheet, flyer, and Daily Updates
- NYS Executive Orders: EO_202_1-73.pdf, EO_202_74-111.pdf, and EO_210.pdf - OCR searchable PDFs of NYS Executive Order 202, Continuations 1 through 111, and 210 (three files due to website 10MB limit)
Summary of NYS Executive Orders
- NYC Executive Orders: 2020_EEO_98-171.pdf, 2021_EEO_172-334.pdf, 2022_EEO_1-299.pdf, and 2023_EEO_303-467.pdf - OCR searchable PDF of NYC Emergency Executive Orders 98 through 334 and 1 through 467 (extension-only orders have been removed to reduce file size)
Summary of NYC Emergency Executive Orders
- https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news.page - Mayor Adams transcripts, videos, executive orders / Combined Searchable Text Files (2022-01-01 to yesterday): http://www.notnicemusic.com/Adams.txt
- Mayor de Blasio transcripts, videos, executive orders / Combined Searchable Text Files (2020-02-26 to 2020-11-30 and 2020-12-01 to 2021-12-28): http://www.notnicemusic.com/de_Blasio.txt and http://www.notnicemusic.com/de_Blasio_2.txt
- https://www.governor.ny.gov/keywords/health - Governor Hochul rush transcripts (no q & a) / Combined Searchable Text File (2021-08-24 to yesterday): http://www.notnicemusic.com/Hochul.txt
- Governor Cuomo rush transcripts (no q & a) / Combined Searchable Text File (2020-01-24 to yesterday): http://www.notnicemusic.com/Cuomo.txt
Quotes of the Day (3/23/2020 - 9/12/2020)
Edited for redundancy, grammar, and emphasis
2020-09-12: How Many Cases to Expect When Schools Reopen?
2020-09-11: The Heroes of 19 Years Ago, the New Generation of Heroes Today
2020-09-10: Extensive Safety Measures on School Buses
2020-09-09: Indoor Dining at 25% in NYC on September 30
2020-09-08: Projections vs. Precautions
2020-09-07: Full Month Below One Percent
2020-09-06: SUNY Case Tracker Dashboard
2020-09-05: No quote of the day for Saturday, September 5, 2020
2020-09-04: Keep Labor Day Weekend Gatherings Under 50 People
2020-09-03: Casinos and Malls Can Open September 9
2020-09-02: New York City Always Comes Back
2020-09-01: Remote Learning September 16, Blended Learning September 21
2020-08-31: Indoor Dining in New Jersey, Not New York City
2020-08-30: Everybody Should Be Anxious to Get Back to a Safe School
2020-08-29: Desegregate the Neighborhoods and You Will Desegregate the Schools
2020-08-28: Park Permits for Youth Leagues
2020-08-27: UFT Agreement on Instructional Guidance
2020-08-26: J'ouvert Celebration on Labor Day Weekend Will Be Different
2020-08-25: Lower Risk Youth Sports Can Play in their Region, Higher Risk Youth Sports Can Practice
2020-08-24: Outdoor Learning for All Schools
2020-08-23: No Indoor Dining This Year
2020-08-22: Gyms Reopening in NYC September 2
2020-08-21: Teens Not Wearing Masks on Public Transportation
2020-08-20: Fines at Checkpoints
2020-08-19: The Lowest Infection Rate in NYC: 0.24%
2020-08-18: Will the Glut of Apartments Nullify the Vacancy Rate?
2020-08-17: Street Fairs Unlikely in October
2020-08-16: Checkpoints Only at Staten Island Crossings?
2020-08-15: Certified Nurse in Every Public School Building
2020-08-14: Bowling Alleys, Museums, Aquariums, Gymnasiums
2020-08-13: 22,000 Layoffs of Municipal Workers on October 1
2020-08-12: More Resources at Sunset Park
2020-08-11: Free Childcare for Parents Who Need It Most
2020-08-10: School Ventilation
2020-08-09: The Lowest Rate, the Lowest Number in ICU
2020-08-08: I Am Not Going to Beg Millionaires to Live in the Greatest City in the World
2020-08-07: Four Day or Less Test Turnaround We Can Live With
2020-08-06: Pay Off Rent Over Time
2020-08-05: Random Checkpoints at Major Bridge and Tunnel Crossings
2020-08-04: Hotels Used as Homeless Shelters and Quarantine Locations
2020-08-03: Allow Elementary School Students to Use Empty Middle Schools and High Schools
2020-08-02: Three Outcomes for School Quarantine or Closure
2020-08-01: We Need the NYPD to Step Up and Do Enforcement
2020-07-31: Kids in a Single Classroom Stay Together
2020-07-30: After Phase Four, Bring Back the NYC Economy in Stages
2020-07-29: Individual Plans for 1,800 Schools
2020-07-28: Major League Baseball: Play in our Stadiums
2020-07-27: Open Schools On Schedule With All Grade Levels
2020-07-26: 21 to 30 Years Old Up Four Points
2020-07-25: NYC is the Safest Place in America Right Now
2020-07-24: Is There Nothing in the Data Beyond the Three Indicators?
2020-07-23: 17,000 New Cases, 17,000 New Contacts, 6,000 Paired with Resource Navigators Since June 1
2020-07-22: A Particular Problem on Steinway Street
2020-07-21: We've Distributed 100 Million Meals For Free
2020-07-20: Enforce the Law or We're Going to Have to Close Bars and Restaurants
2020-07-19: A Second Wave is Almost Inevitable
2020-07-18: Childcare for 100,000 Kids
2020-07-17: Outdoors Activities Open With Phase Four on Monday
2020-07-16: Restaurants: Three Strikes and You're Closed
2020-07-15: When Can New York City Expect to Enter Phase Four?
2020-07-14: Spike Among Young People
2020-07-13: 24 Hours Where No One Died
2020-07-12: Schools Have to Go Split Schedule
2020-07-11: No Herd Immunity in New York
2020-07-10: Bringing Rapid Point of Care Testing to Tremont
2020-07-09: School Space
2020-07-08: A Plan to Reopen Childcare Centers Next Week
2020-07-07: Coney Island Wonder Wheel
2020-07-06: Excluding People from States
2020-07-05: NYC into Phase Three Today
2020-07-04: Wear a Mark This Holiday Weekend
2020-07-03: Fifteen Outdoor Pools Will Open
2020-07-02: Schools Will Be Opening in September
2020-07-01: $115 Million in Summer Programming for Young People
2020-06-30: Anxiety About Indoor Dining
2020-06-29: Alternate Side Parking Once a Week
2020-06-28: Are You Worried or Ambivalent Saying We're On Track for Phase Three?
2020-06-27: Can DOE High School Students Get Stuff Out of Their Lockers?
2020-06-26: Phase Three: Nail Salons, Spas, 50 percent Indoor Dining
2020-06-25: Phase Three We Start Up Sports and Recreation in our Parks
2020-06-24: People From High Infection Rate States Must Quarantine for 14 Days
2020-06-23: Smaller Businesses Depend on Big Businesses
2020-06-22: The Beginning of Phase Two of the Restart of New York City
2020-06-21: Is It Safe to Eat at an Outdoor Restaurant with Friends?
2020-06-20: It's Time to Move Forward, the City is On Track for a Monday Phase Two
2020-06-19: We're Ready to Open Playgrounds for Younger Kids on Monday
2020-06-18: Open Restaurants: Outdoor Dining is the Way Forward
2020-06-17: What Happens When People from Those States Get on Planes and Fly to New York?
2020-06-16: We've Monitored More Than 4,200 New Yorkers
2020-06-15: Wearing of Face Masks in Public Corresponds to the Most Effective Means to Prevent Interhuman Transmission
2020-06-14: Manhattan Bars and Restaurants Can Lose Their Liquor License
2020-06-13: This is a Mask, This is a Chin Guard
2020-06-12: Free Air Conditioners and Energy Bill Subsidies
2020-06-11: Look at Those that Test Positive
2020-06-10: Could We Get to Phase Two by the End of June?
2020-06-09: We Can Have a Conversation Around Beaches and Pools
2020-06-08: Call Our Restart Hotline
2020-06-07: I Keep Celebrating the Work of Everyday New Yorkers
2020-06-06: A Turnaround to Go in the History Books
2020-06-05: Blessings Were There for Us to Discover
2020-06-04: If You Went to a Protest, Get a Test, Tell People, Act as if You May Have Been Exposed
2020-06-03: What We Are Doing Now is a Luxury
2020-06-02: We Have a Lot to Do
2020-06-01: Two Almost Exact Opposite Realities Colliding
2020-05-31: It Is A Perfect Storm
2020-05-30: Get Tested, Wear a Mask
2020-05-29: On Track to Reopen New York City on June 8th
2020-05-28: Businesses Cannot Jump the Gun
2020-05-27: Help You Separate, All of This is Free
2020-05-26: We Prepare, I Don't Want to Guess
2020-05-25: Beaches: Keep Life Local
2020-05-24: State Loans to Really Small Businesses
2020-05-23: Four-Part Plan to Address the Needs of Seniors
2020-05-22: Summer Learning Will Take Place
2020-05-21: 140,000 Everyday New Yorkers Can Sign Up for Free Antibody Testing
2020-05-20: We Don't Have Enough New Yorkers Coming to be Tested
2020-05-19: The Facts Have Only Been Getting More Negative
2020-05-18: Places Where Overcrowding Started to Happen
2020-05-17: Our Summer Heat Plan
2020-05-16: Two Months Earlier, Asian American Businesses Suffered
2020-05-15: More Testing Means More Locations
2020-05-14: This Mask Says I Respect You
2020-05-13: Be Alert to the Symptoms of PMIS
2020-05-12: Focus on Neighborhoods Hardest Hit
2020-05-11: The Federal Government has Distributed Only 4,000 Doses of Remdesivir to New York City
2020-05-10: If a Nursing Home Operator Does Not Follow these Procedures, They will Lose their License
2020-05-09: 24 Additional Testing Sites at Churches in Predominantly Minority Communities
2020-05-08: New Hospital Cases: Comorbidities, Minority, Retired or Unemployed, 51 and Up, Literally At Home
2020-05-07: Open Businesses First that are Most Essential and Pose the Lowest Risk
2020-05-06: Anyone With Symptoms Will Be Tested Free
2020-05-05: I Wear the Mask to Protect You
2020-05-04: Open Streets: Social Distancing, Face Coverings, Out for Exercise and Then Get Back
2020-05-03: Immediately Move, Otherwise Violations Will Be Given, Period
2020-05-02: Someone Couldn't Properly Isolate at Home, the Social Worker Would Connect Them to a Hotel Room
2020-05-01: Not a Discussion, We're Going Immediately to Summons and, If We Have To, Arrest
2020-04-30: Deep Clean the Subway Stations and Everyone Has to Get Out
2020-04-29: A Contact Tracing Network on a Vast Scale
2020-04-28: There is a Better, Easier, Safer Way to do Testing
2020-04-27: The Broad Outlines of the Reopening Plan
2020-04-26: First Responders, Healthcare Workers, and Essential Employees, You're Now Able to Get a Test
2020-04-25: God Bless America
2020-04-24: You're Bailing Us Out? Just Give Me My Money Back, Senator
2020-04-23: If the Infection Rate is 13.9 Percent, 2.7 Million People have been Infected
2020-04-22: Let Each Level of Government Do What It Does Best
2020-04-21: The Medical Emergencies Are Getting Much Closer to Normal
2020-04-20: Talked to a Couple Who Drove Up From Queens to Albany for Thai Food
2020-04-19: There are a Lot of Other Things that People Turn to 3-1-1 For - If You Can Go Online or Use the App, That's Ideal
2020-04-18: Schools, Opening Businesses, Parks, Beaches, All These Decisions Need to be Coordinated on a Statewide Basis
2020-04-17: The Masks Work
2020-04-16: Those Simple Things We Took for Granted, Maybe We'll Cherish Them More
2020-04-15: When You Need Help We Will Be There For You
2020-04-14: New York City Will Be Self-Sufficient
2020-04-13: This is Day One
2020-04-12: A Five Point Plan For How We Get From Here to the Opening of School in September
2020-04-11: People Pass Away and There Is No One We Can Find, That Person Will Be Buried at Hart Island; Later, That Body Can Be Returned
2020-04-10: You Have to Have Really Clear Limits to How Many People Can Be in Each Train
2020-04-09: If You See Anything Where Social Distancing is Not Being Practiced, Call 311 Right Away
2020-04-08: By Executive Order, All New Yorkers Can Vote Absentee
2020-04-07: We Will Not Let Any New Yorker Go Hungry
2020-04-06: Make Sure We Don't Lose Anyone Who Could've Been Saved
2020-04-05: I Don't Understand What the MTA is Doing
2020-04-04: Masks and Gloves can give People a False Sense of Security when these items become Contaminated Themselves
2020-04-03: People are Fighting This Alone, I Can't Imagine That
2020-04-02: 21,000 Health Care Workers Have Volunteered From Out-of-State to Come into New York State
2020-04-01: Show the Country What It Means to Have Coronavirus
2020-03-31: If You're On The Subway, You're An Essential Worker
2020-03-30: Feels Like a Lifetime
2020-03-29: Call 3-1-1, Not their Precinct
2020-03-28: Stay Home for about Three to Four Days
2020-03-27: Ventilators, Ventilators, Ventilators
2020-03-26: The Density Control Measures May Be Working
2020-03-25: That's Not a Curve, That is a Wave
2020-03-24: We Are the Epicenter
2020-03-23: Parks and Playgrounds
Quotes may come from the day of posting, from a prior day, or from further back in time.
Useful Info:
General NYC Help
- http://nyc.gov/facecoverings - May 2-12, 2020, park locations giving out 100,000 free face coverings
- https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing - NYS Protocol for Testing (who can be tested)
- https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you - Type in your address, find testing sites near you
- https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/resources/covid-testing.page - More info about NYC testing
- https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-03299 - a violation in progress (or a recurring violation) is called a "social distancing violation" and includes
- A business or location is required to be closed
- An essential business is open, but is not complying with necessary restrictions
- Overcrowding at a business or location
- Lack of face covering at a supermarket or grocery store
Location types include:
- Bar, restaurant, or venue
- Barber, salon, tattoo, or personal care
- Office building
- Public space or gathering
- Park or playground
- Supermarket or grocery store
Non-essential construction in progress is a "Non-Essential Construction Complaint."
Social distancing restrictions include:
- Keeping six feet away from others (non-family group members)
- Not engaging in team sports
- Not gathering in groups
- Non-essential businesses should be closed
- Essential businesses that are open must follow necessary restrictions
If you see something, call 311 and tell them you are seeing a "social distancing violation" or use the on-line link
- https://gothamist.com/news/interactive-nyc-map-shows-lack-sidewalk-space-social-distancing - interactive map of sidewalk widths
Mental Health
- 1-844-863-9314: Hotline Phone number for free mental health services (8,600 volunteers)
If there are long wait times, try this other resource: 1-888-478-1478 (M-F 9am-5pm)
You can also set up your own Virtual Support Group by using and distributing to all participants this PDF file.
- https://www.giftsofgab.org/ - Stony Brook MSW students volunteer to talk to socially isolated older adults
- https://www.naminycmetro.org/ - New York City Metro branch of National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), including helpines, etc.
- https://www.facebook.com/watchparty/2601797390070696/ - George Bodarky of WFUV interviews Matt Kudish, Executive Director of NAMI-NYC for 1 hour
- Effective On June 25, 2020, NYS, NJ, and CT instituted a joint travel advisory requiring anyone arriving from restricted states to follow quarantine rules for 14 days.
Other NYC Resource Pages
Federal Factsheets
COVID Maps and Projections
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1BwMKmViLAvjgVxkVxWMlVdwPZAa4BqtZ&ll=40.746138764712605%2C-73.53259034999996&z=8 - Metro Region map with cases per 10K (county)
- https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html - John Hopkins Map (country and state)
- https://covid19.healthdata.org/ - IHME Projections (select New York State)
Above are the 8/6/2020 IHME projections for the actual new daily infections in New York State. These are larger than the new "confirmed" cases, since not every person gets tested. Click on the infographic to see other projections and other states. Earlier projections are from 5/4/2020, 5/10/2020, 5/18/2020, 5/25/2020, 5/29/2020, 6/5/2020, 6/10/2020, 6/15/2020, 6/24/2020, 6/29/2020, 7/7/2020, 7/14/2020, 7/22/2020, and 7/30/2020.
Below are the 4/27/2020 IHME projections for when each state may be able to relax social distancing. The 4/27/2020 projections were that New York and New Jersey may start to relax social distancing after May 28, 2020.

This website is devoted to NYC data; still, with the current national debate on when states should reopen, it should be noted that the IHME currently doesn't think it is safe for any state to reopen until after May 10, 2020. The projections from 4/21/2020 are below, for comparison.
Source: New York Times: Another reason why other cities and states should not reopen:

Since most states have already reached their apex, the peak resource use days are no longer projected, and the title has been changed to "Why New York State Mattered."
Data for subsequent projections are no longer being collected or posted. You can find the prior projections from April 17, 13, 8, 5, and 1 by clicking on the numbers in this paragraph.
How to Help:
https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nonprofits/downloads/pdf/GetFood_RFI.pdf - Nonprofit providers help deliver foodthrough the GetFood Delivery Assistance Program
https://www1.nyc.gov/site/helpnownyc/give-help/volunteer.page - Help Now NYC Volunteer Page
https://nychhc.networkforgood.com/ - NYC Health+Hospitals Donation Page
1-833-NYC-0040 - Call to volunteer with equipment, supplies, time
mailto: testhelp@edc.nyc - If your company can help manufacture test kits and/or perform/automate lab testing
https://trickleupnyc.org/ - NYC Artists Network subscription service to raise money to commission NYC artists in need
Combatting Misinformation:
https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters - WHO myth busters page
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/2019-novel-coronavirus-myth-versus-fact - Johns Hopkins Medicine Myth busters page
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/coronavirus-myths-explored - MedicalNewsToday myth busters page
https://www.cnet.com/news/coronavirus-health-myths-fact-checked/ - CNET myth busters page
https://blog.aboutamazon.com/company-news/how-amazon-prioritizes-health-and-safety-while-fulfilling-customer-orders - Actual Amazon policies and procedures
https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/types-sources-and-claims-covid-19-misinformation - Reuters study of types of COVID-19 misinformation
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/janelytvynenko/coronavirus-fake-news-disinformation-rumors-hoaxes - BuzzFeed list of hoaxes
Samuel Volkin: According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can live in the air and on surfaces between several hours and several days. The study found that the virus is viable for up to 72 hours on plastics, 48 hours on stainless steel, 24 hours on cardboard, and 4 hours on copper. It is also detectable in the air for three hours. How worried should we be about our risk of becoming infected simply by touching something an infected person was in contact with days ago?
Carolyn Machamer: What's getting a lot of press and is presented out of context is that the virus can last on plastic for 72 hours—which sounds really scary. But what's more important is the amount of the virus that remains. It's less than 0.1% of the starting virus material. Infection is theoretically possible but unlikely at the levels remaining after a few days. People need to know this.
While the New England Journal of Medicine study found that the COVID virus can be detected in the air for 3 hours, in nature, respiratory droplets sink to the ground faster than the aerosols produced in this study. The experimental aerosols used in labs are smaller than what comes out of a cough or sneeze, so they remain in the air at face-level longer than heavier particles would in nature.
Source: https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/20/sars-cov-2-survive-on-surfaces/
https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/if-youve-been-exposed-to-the-coronavirus - Harvard Medical School info for if you get sick
https://medium.com/@slavin/a-non-scientists-primer-on-testing-for-covid-19-1e6e7b68756b - Great think piece about testing (free but site registration required)
Unintended Consequences:
https://www.facebook.com/1273491218/videos/10221626721158688/ - A British healthcare worker can't buy groceries at the end of her shift because of hoarding
Funny Papers:
As a professional theater composer with eclectic tastes, recently I've been "composing" mixtapes, using a variety of techniques to select and arrange the videos. A mix(tape) of emotions: humorous, serious, uplifting, calming. What they mean to me may not be what they mean to you. Because these mixtapes contain material copyrighted by others, they cannot be embedded on this website; you will have to follow the links.
COVID 2020-04-04: Zoom Will Keep Us Together
COVID 2020-03-21
COVID 2020-03-28
LAist maintains a list of free comedy shows
https://www.tdf.org/stages/home - TDF maintains a daily list of free on-line shows
ClassicFM maintains a list of free classical music concerts
BroadwayHD is offering a 7-day free trial to those seeking a Broadway fix
https://operaamerica.org/applications/schedule/index.aspx - Opera America's list of live streaming and on demand opera and new music theater in US and Europe
Response options: (unless you give permission, all responses will be confidential)
Send e-mail to barry@notnicemusic.com.
Send snail mail to Barry Drogin at 720 Greenwich Street #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA
Do NOT send text messages to my landline, 212-243-8784 - that would be pretty futile
I welcome constructive criticism, browser or device display issues, suggestions, or requests for help in finding particular information that will benefit New York City residents.
2020-03-25 Press Release
This page © 2020-2022 Barry DroginLast Updated: September 1, 2023