Stuff for free, stuff for sale
The following scores are available, at cost, to performers:
Alamo! a scena for a cappella voice and Bible (King James version): full score
$10 per score
Love Poems from the Sanskrit: full score
$3 per score
Recipe for a Happy Marriage: full score
$3 per score
Prelude a l'apres-midi Noces: full score
$6 per score
The following scores are available free, on-line:
After: full score
How Do I Love Thee?: full score
Song of Songs: full score
Sleep: full score
Eight Days of Chanukah: full score
For chorus, community Jewish center, small opera house:
Eight Days of Chanukah: manuscript choral parts
$15 for 8 parts purchase, $5 for 8 parts rental
Amidah: full score and copying rights
$1 per score
Love and Idols: full score and grand rights
$250 per company (see contract)
Due to close of business, the Typhoid Mary/Alamo! CD is no longer being offered for sale (as I would have to collect sales tax).
The remaining inventory is available for free -
just send an appropriate SASE to the address below or arrange to stop on by and pick one up, while supplies last!
Send a check, made out to Barry Drogin, to
Barry Drogin
720 Greenwich Street #5T
NY, NY 10014 USA
Add $2 for shipping and handling.
E-mail orders not accepted.