The Lullaby Project
Call for Scores

In honor of the birth of his son, Max, Barry Drogin, a composer of a cappella vocal music, announce "The Lullaby Project." Composers born before November 4, 1976 may submit a score for one lullaby of not excessive length and appropriate dynamics for unaccompanied mid-range voice to: Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street, #5T, NY, NY 10014. Proof of permission for texts not by the composer or in the public domain must be obtained and submitted. Texts that use the name, "Max," are especially encouraged. For further details, visit or send e-mail to

Download the contract, print it out, fill it in and sign it, and send the original signed contract with your score to Barry Drogin. DO NOT alter, modify, delete, amend or add to the contract in any way, or your piece will not be considered for inclusion in the project.

A l'occasion de la naissance de son fils, Max, Barry Drogin, compositeur de musique pour voix a cappella, annoncent "The Lullaby Project." Les compositeurs nés avant le 4 novembre 1976 sont priés de soumettre une partition de berceuse, pas trop longue, avec des nuances appropriées, pour voix moyenne sans accompagnement à l'adresse suivent: Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street, #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA. Les droits d'auteur doivent être fournis si les paroles ne sont pas écriter par le compositeur ou si les paroles ne sont pas dans le domaine publique. Les textes utilisant le nom "Max" sont particulairèment encouragés. Pour des renseignements complémentaires, visitez ou envoyez e-mail à

Download the contract, print it out, fill it in and sign it, and send the original signed contract with your score to Barry Drogin. DO NOT alter, modify, delete, amend or add to the contract in any way, or your piece will not be considered for inclusion in the project.

En honor del nacimiento de su hijo, Max, Barry Drogin, un compositor de musica vocal a cappella, anuncian "The Lullaby Project." Compositores nacidos antes del 4 de Noviembre del 1976 pueden presentar la partitura de una cancion de cuna no muy larga y de apropiados niveles dinamicos para voz de registro medio sin acompanamiento a Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street, #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA. Si el texto no es original o de dominio publico debera ser alegado el documento del permiso para su uso. Textos que contengan el nombre "Max" seran especialmente gratos. Por mas detalles, visite o mande un e-mail a

Download the contract, print it out, fill it in and sign it, and send the original signed contract with your score to Barry Drogin. DO NOT alter, modify, delete, amend or add to the contract in any way, or your piece will not be considered for inclusion in the project.

Zur Feier der Geburt von Max, seinem Sohn, geben Barry Drogin, a cappella Komponist, die Ausschreibung "The Lullaby Project" bekannt. Komponisten mit einem Geburtsdatum vor dem 4 November 1976 werden aufgerufen, eine Partitur fuer ein nicht zu langes Wiegenlied fuer Gesang in mittlerer Stimmlage, ohne Begleitung einzureichen. Partitur bitte an: Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street, #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA. Verlagsrechte fuer Liedtexte, die nicht von Komponisten stammen, muessen nachgewiesen werden. Texte, die den Namen "Max" enthalten, werden bevorzugt. Weiter Details unter oder e-mail

Download the contract, print it out, fill it in and sign it, and send the original signed contract with your score to Barry Drogin. DO NOT alter, modify, delete, amend or add to the contract in any way, or your piece will not be considered for inclusion in the project.

Per celebrare la nascita del suo figlio, Max, Barry Drogin, un compositore di musica vocale a cappella, annunciano "The Lullaby Project." Compositori nati prima del 4 di novembre del 1976 possono presentare in partitura una ninnananna di durata contenuta e appropriati livelli dinamici per voce di registro medio senza accompagnamento a Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street, #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA. Se il testo non e' ne' originale ne' di dominio pubblico, occorre allegare l'autorizzazione relativa. Testi che usino il nome "Max" sono graditi in modo particolare. Per i dettagli, visitare il sito oppure spedire un messaggio a

Download the contract, print it out, fill it in and sign it, and send the original signed contract with your score to Barry Drogin. DO NOT alter, modify, delete, amend or add to the contract in any way, or your piece will not be considered for inclusion in the project.

Please send corrections of grammar, spelling, accentuation and so on using the response options below.

Further details:

For compositions currently part of the project, click here. Some questions received thus far:

What about that age requirement? Before?
Yes, unlike many "younger composer" competitions, this project is for older composers, who have hopefully attained a certain maturity of style.

Is the project only open to Americans?
Definitely not. Also, lullabies in languages other than English are encouraged. If the language is especially hard for English-speaking people to pronounce, a usable transliteration is desired.

I have written an accompaniment, but it's "optional".
We'd prefer you prepare a "lead sheet" without the accompaniment for our use. The accompaniment WILL NOT be used for any performances or recordings. Also, it was hoped that composers would specifically face the challenge of writing for a cappella solo voice.

What style must the piece be in?
The organizations being contacted tend to represent contemporary classical composers, but pieces have been received in a wide range of styles. The performers will most likely have trained voices.

Can I still let other people perform my piece?
The contract is for NON-EXCLUSIVE performing and recording rights. You retain the copyright, and are responsible for collecting performance royalties. (The record label will be responsible for paying you sales royalties.) You simply cannot enter into an EXCLUSIVE agreement with anyone else.

What if there is something I want to add to the contract?
Take your business elsewhere. It would be a legal nightmare to have different terms for different pieces.

I'm a performer interested in "The Lullaby Project".
Write to Barry Drogin by snail-mail or e-mail. Barry Drogin does not have publishing rights to the scores, so if you cannot visit him in New York City, Barry Drogin can loan you 30-day perusal copies of some or all of the works. You will have to pay postage and handling in advance.

I'm not a performer, but I'd like to see or hear the music.
You will have to wait for a performance near you, or until a recording is available. A publishing agreement is not in place at this time.

How many pieces do you have so far?
Click here for a current listing.

Response options:

  • E-mail
  • Snail mail to Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street #5T, NY, NY 10014 USA
  • This page © 1999-2008

    Last Updated: November 23, 2008