was given its world premiere in Washington Square Park on May 30, 1998
Southwest of the fountain, George's Dog Run can be seen in the background.
The audience was in the shade, I seem to be getting the worst of it.
The enlarged Alamo pamphlet behind me got a lot of attention.
The "pamphlets" are programs distributed to unsuspecting parkgoers.
Thanks to Director Tom O'Horgan for suggesting this.
Also thanks to vocal coach Mary Kate Law for her assistance. |
"Christians will have to run the government."
A beach towel purchased from Alamo Flag Company (!) is used as a prayer shawl.
The towel was subsequently thrown to the ground and used to protect my knees during the long prayer at the end. |
Due to close of business, the Typhoid Mary/Alamo! CD is no longer being offered for sale (as I would have to collect sales tax).
The remaining inventory is available for free -
just send an appropriate SASE to the address on the Not Nice Music homepage or arrange to stop on by and pick one up, while supplies last!
You can still download or listen to an MP3 excerpt from both works at this MySpace site!
This page © 1998-2009 rights@notnicemusic.com
Last Updated: February 15, 2009