View a selection from
This page will link you to a selection from Barry Drogin's "Alamo!", completed and premiered in 1998.
The selection, approximately 75 seconds of music, is from the third page of the work.
- Click here to view a PDF selection from the score.
- Click here to hear a 1.4Mb .MP3 file recording of the score example, as recorded at the Kraine Theater in New York City before a live audience (or listen to it on SoundCloud here).
- Click here to hear a 1.4Mb .MP3 file recording of the score example, as recorded in Paris the day after the European premiere.
- Click here to access a podcast of an archived June 7, 2003 radio broadcast of "Alamo! (the short version)" on Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar.
(Use the scroll bar to move forward to 00:04:25. Expanding to full screen will help in manipulating the scroll bar.
Commentary follows the broadcast of the recording.)
- Click here to view the full text of the piece, as well as some production and performance notes.
- Click here to view the front and back pages from one of the tracts used for this piece.
- Click here to see pictures from the premiere in Washington Square Park, NY.
- Click here to see pictures from the European premiere in Paris, France.
Due to close of business, the Typhoid Mary/Alamo! CD is no longer being offered for sale (as I would have to collect sales tax).
The remaining inventory is available for free -
just send an appropriate SASE to the address below or arrange to stop on by and pick one up, while supplies last!
About the Piece
The text for "Alamo!" has been compiled from several tracts written by the Reverend Tony Alamo.
The Reverend wrote these tracts while in hiding from the FBI --- his follower had them typeset, and distributed on the street and on car windshields.
He was caught in Florida and served time at the Federal Correctional Institution in Florence, Colorado.
He continued writing, from prison, and "counts his imprisonment for Christ as being all joy."
The entire piece is over 20 minutes in duration, and printed on eleven accordion-style manuscript pages.
Copies of the full score can be obtained, at cost, for $12US (checks payable to Barry Drogin).
Send a check and your address to Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street #5T, NY, NY 10014.
Postage and handling is included.
Legal Matters
Permissions Granted:
View the selection
Print the selection
Distribute copies of the selection in ways that do not constitute publication or offer for sale
Those who have Obtained a Full Score may:
Perform the piece in any venue
Record the piece in any audio-only media
Distribute audio recordings of the piece in any way
Rights Reserved:
Composer's and publisher's copyrights
Performance royalties
Recording distribution royalties
All other rights and permissions, including sync rights
In Exchange:
Barry Drogin must be notified of all live performances and/or audio recordings
Barry Drogin must be sent copies of printed programs, listings and/or audio recordings, if available
Notification Options:
Snail Mail: Barry Drogin, 720 Greenwich Street #5T, NY, NY 10014
This page © 1999-2008, 2023
Last Updated: July 5, 2023