GENERATIONS Copyright (C) 1997 by Not Nice Music II. A COLLECTION OF OBSCURITY by Edwin M. Drogin 18. To A Girl Who Came Hurt can be a touch which was not a caress. A soft remark spiralled round a dress. And the dancing away In a winter play, When spring cried out to be kissed. Hurt is a mood in a pleasure place With a sly half-smile on a young blank face. And the stairway beckons to the cool night air For hurt is too soft to be everywhere. Will you stand there and pose? I will throw you a rose. For the spring is too fleeting to miss. And the music will scratch as emptiness pounds And squeaks on the floor with ominous sounds. While the couches contain The absence of brain. And the darkness is here ...For seeing is fear. Only Autumn can be a regret. Will you dance to be held, or to float Over perilous floors on a clarinet note? Your mind will not sense any hurt Without wisdom to tug at your skirt. Autumn will stab you yet.